
來源:果殼範文吧 1.88W










Agreement: 主語和謂語在人稱、數上的一致,關係代詞與先行詞的一致。

Ambiguity: 儘量不去使用可能引起歧義的詞語或句子。

Brief: 文章"簡為貴",要抓住要點,簡明扼要。

Coherence: 文理通順,前後連貫。

Development: 主題的發揮應當充分、合理、正確。

Division: 詞彙、句子、段落要分配使用得當,劃分要清楚,避免使用重複字句和種子片段。

Figures: 正確合理使用各類修辭格式。

Inflated diction: 不使用做作的語言。

Key: 用適當的關鍵詞突出主題,每段都應有主題句。

Logical: 內容要符合邏輯。

Message: 資訊要新鮮、確實、可信。

Omit: 合理刪除多餘的不必要部分。

Proposition: 主張、觀點、論述要清楚肯切、合情入理。

Punctuation: 正確適時使用標點符號。

Relevant: 文章一定要切題。

Sentence pattern: 句型要儘量多樣化。

Strait: 開門見山,直來直去。

Style: 文體恰切,適合內容要求。

Tense: 動詞時態要正確、一致、變化合理。

Theme: 選題得當,主題突出。






文章一開頭,,就交待清楚文章的主題是什麼。如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎樣度假)的開頭是:

I Spent my last vacation happily.


Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a "liar",and is looked upon by honest people.


在文章的開頭,先把人物、事件和環境交待清楚。例如"A Trip to Jinshan" (去金山旅遊)的開頭:

The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us.

3. 回憶性的開頭

用回憶的方法來開頭。例如"A Trip to the Taishan Mountain"(泰山遊)的開頭是:

I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday.


即對要在文章中敘述的人或事先作一個概括性的介紹。如“The Happiness of Reading Books”(讀書的快樂)的開頭:

People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power.


即開頭利用自然景物或自然環境引出要介紹的事物。如“An Accident”(一場事故)的開頭是:

It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty. I was on my way back to school. Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner.


在文章的一開頭就交待寫作目的,如通過文章要表揚誰,批評誰,或說明一個什麼問題等。如 "Pollution Control" (控制汙染)的開頭:

In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.





在文章的結尾,把含義較深的話放在末尾,以點明主題,深化主題,起到畫龍點睛的效果。如"I Cannot Forget Her" (我忘不了她)的結尾:

After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.


結尾回到文章開頭闡明的中心思想或主題句上,達到強調的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我愛家鄉)的結尾:

I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.

3. 自然結尾


I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.


用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接點明作者的看法,而是讓讀者自己去領會和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的結尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.


雖然形式是問句,但意義卻是肯定的,並具有特別的強調作用,引起讀者深思。如 "Should We Learn to Do Housework?" (我們要不要學做家務?) 的結尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Don't you agree, boys and girls?


結尾表示對將來的'展望,或期待讀者投入行動。如“Let's Go in for Sports”(讓我們參加體育運動)的結尾:

As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let's go in for sports.




在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,編者對詞語選用的重要性作了一個很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:

it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world."






Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.





Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood.

著名美國作家馬克吐溫說:“用詞準確與用詞幾乎準確,這兩者之間的差異就如閃電與螢火蟲之間的差異。”(The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.)


He is in a state of deep depression as a result of his setback latest experiment.

The depression first hit almost all the small and medium-sized enterprises.

Transportation was at a standstill caused by the depressions in the highways after the earthquake in that area.

反之,也常常有幾個詞語可以表示類似的含義,如心理學上的“depression”也能用melancholia,the blues,the dismal in the dumps,low等詞語表示。

要做到準確選擇,有必要注意詞語的兩種意義:“基本意義”(denotation)和"引申意義"(connotation)。前者指該詞語的本身,或客觀的固有含義,後者指該詞語在一定搭配或上下句中出現的其他意義,往往比較含蓄,帶有詞語使用者的主觀態度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap都表示便宜的基本意思,如顧客問營業員:“May I have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要價錢便宜一點的,當然並不是說質量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用場合可引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝嗇”、“卑鄙”等多種意思,這類意思正是修辭上的“敏感地帶”。



A)Honest labor creates wealth for the society.

B)In the GM contract dispute, labor seeks a five-cent per hour wage increase.



準確性是鮮明度的前提,也是提高鮮明度的基礎。然而,鮮明與簡練相關。英國文豪莎士比亞的名言“Brevity is the soul of wit”相當於漢語的“言貴簡潔”。我們說話、寫文章都要以“言簡意賅”四字為目標,為此,應從兩個方面加以注意:

A.在可以運用較簡短的常見詞語表達意思時不要用複雜而少的詞語,如:do something for(不用perform,

accomplish),用end/finish a letter (不用terminate,conclude)。


mutual aid(to each other)(mutual)aid to each other,(an entirely)complete confidence,repeat the question(again),return(back) from abroad,etc.









1. 明確寫作目的和敘述的中心思想,段落敘述始終圍繞著主題而展開,避免空間的敘述和與主題無關的內容。

2. 一篇好敘述文需要直接或間接表達以下六個問題,即:when?該事發生的時間, where?該事發生的地點,who?人物角色是誰,what?發生的是什麼事,why?該事發生的原因,以及how?事件的結果是如何造成的等等。

3. 一篇記敘文,無論長短如何都應該是一個完全獨立的事實,因此,在下筆時必須明確:該從何處開始敘述,該在何處結束敘述,以及應該提供何種事實才能使敘述完整。

4. 寫作順序可以採用“順敘”、“倒敘”和“穿插敘述”的方法,但初學者最好採用“順敘”的方法進行訓練,以情節發生時間的先後為序。



It was a cold day in winter. An ant was bringing out some grains of corn he had gathered in summer to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hunger, saw the ant and begged him for some corn, saying that he was dying of hunger. The ant looked at the grasshopper and asked him what he had done in summer and why he hadn’t stored up some grains of corn. The grasshopper told the ant that he had been very busy in summer and he hadn’t stored any corn. The ant asked him once more what he had done in summer. The grasshopper replied that he had sung all summer. The ant angrily said to him that he could dance all winter as he had sung all summer.


1. 記敘文的基本要求




I usually get up early in the morning. Then, I go to the lavatory to brush my teeth and my face. After that, I go to the sports ground to have some exercise. Lunch is at 12:00. After lunch, I take a nap. In the afternoon, I go to the library. When evening comes, I watch TV for a while. Then I listen to the English broadcast, or prepare my lessons in the classroom. I usually go to bed when the close strikes 11.

4) 主次分明,詳略得當。對一件事情的敘述不能平均用墨。能夠突出主題的情節要詳寫,不能突出主題的情節要簡寫或不寫。如下面一段文字的主題句是Traveling can have its exciting though frustrating movements.應是突出的重點。從段落中我們可以看到描寫這兩點的很多細節:司機是如何弄到活雞送到家中同時又擔心拿不到手提箱而趕不上飛機的焦急心情。作者對他們最後怎樣到達旅館、怎樣及時到達機場描寫得很少,儘管它們也是這個事件的一部分。

Traveling can have its exciting, though frustrating moments. A few years ago I spent a week in America. The week was over, to my surprised, that I had left one of my suitcases at my hotel. Quickly, I jumped into a taxi and explained my situation to the driver. We sped off in the direct of my hotel. Suddenly, the taxi driver slowed down so he could talk with the driver of a truck moving along the road next to us. The truck contained live chicken. Without stopping the taxi, the driver stuck his hand out of the window and took a live chicken, which he neatly stuck under the seat next to him. Meanwhile, I was getting more and more anxious about my suitcase and making my plane on time. Time wasn’t bothering the taxi driver, though. Instead of heading straight for the hotel, he made a detour to drop the chicken off at his home! In the end, however, we managed to get the suitcase and then raced back to the airport. Fortunately, I made it to my plane on time. What started out as a frustrating moment ended up being a permanent memory and a great story.











1、寫作題目:My First Stay at Home

寫作要求:請根據下列要求,以My First Stay at Home為題,寫一篇100字左右的文章。






rable experience


care of oneself.





My first stay at home alone was memorable. When I was twelve, once both of my mother and father were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. My parents left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarms respectively at 6:00, 6:10, and 6:15. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for Mother to do it. I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.









There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly through personal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies” , “channels” of organization, and fairly strict procedure. In the small enterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can see the effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organization you are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is of becoming a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is of becoming the man who knows more and more about less and less.

2) 整塊比較

It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.




1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal e people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. The third type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.


2) These are several reasons why I decided tom attend Bingston University . First of all, the tuition is reasonable. Secondly, the university has a deferred payment plan., which lessons the load of peasant families like mine. Another reason is that Bingston has the finest teachers in its graduate program. My chief reason, however, is Bingston’s program in agriculture, my chosen field, which is recognized as the leader in this area.


3) According to Mr. Li, the fifteen students of his class fall into three groups. Seven of them work hard and study well. They always get good marks in examinations and are often praised by the teachers. Li calls them “good students”. The monitor, the secretary of the Youth League, and the captain of the class volleyball team, are quick in finding out what their fellow students are interested in or what they should do as a collective. They always organize proper activities at the proper time. So Li calls them “good organizers”. Four other students are very kind to their classmates, always ready to lend them a helping hand. They help to clean the classroom and the corridor even when they are not on duty. Li says that they are “ good comrades”. “What about yourself?” someone asks him. “I’m a group by my self --a good observer”.



例證指具體說明人或事物特點、本質及其規律的方法。所用例子需有代表性、典型性。例證型段落的寫作方式多為先提出主題再列舉事例。在事例之前一般有For example或For instance。例證後面,根據情況還可以加上結論句。如:

In order to prevent non-smokers from being affected, measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking. A lot of work can be done concerning this. For example, in some public places, such as in the theatres and cinemas, smoking should be forbidden. Even on the train or plane people should not be allowed to smoke. Doctors, teachers and government leaders should take the lead not to smoke. Above all, the harmfulness and dangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers, broadcast, or TV programs. Also the growing of tobacco and the production of cigarettes should not be encouraged. If these measures can be taken, we can effectively reduce the chances of smoking.
