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1. Dont plan your career: Most of the women on the Fortune MPW list, starting with PepsiCo (PEP) CEO Indra Nooyi, No. 1 in the rankings since 2006, had no clear career map when they graduated college or business school. Rather, they stayed flexible and open to the possibilities.


2. Forget the ladder: climb the jungle gym. What good is a ladder when the world is changing so fast and unpredictably--and who knows what tomorrows ideal job will be? Think of your career as a jungle gym, sharpen your peripheral vision, and look for opportunities all around.


3. Worry about the job youre in:"If you dont do that one well, youll never get the next one," says Jan Fields, who started out cooking French fries at McDonalds (MCD) and rose to U.S. President. While its important to envision some ultimate goal, says Fields, "you have to focus on what you have right now, or that long-term opportunity wont come."


4. Follow your compass, not your clock: Avon Products (AVP) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice, ever since she got passed over the first time around, for the CEO job. Former Time Inc. (TWX) CEO Ann Moore, on the Avon board at the time, gave Jung this advice. Its good that Jung stayed. In the CEO role since 1999, shes now the longest-serving female chief in the Fortune 500, and shes on the Apple (AAPL) and General Electric (GE) boards.

瞄准人生大方向,不必在意一时得失:可以说,雅芳产品公司(Avon Products)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。当时,她在公司CEO的首次角逐中败北,时任雅芳董事会成员、时代集团(Time Inc.)前任CEO的安摩尔给了她这条忠告。于是,钟彬娴打消了离开的念头,留在了公司。钟彬娴从1999年便一直担任雅芳公司CEO,是《财富》500强公(Fortune 500)中任期最长的女性CEO。同时,她还在苹果公司(Apple)与通用电气公司(General Electric)董事会任职。

5. Take risks: Google (GOOG) VP Marissa Mayer had a slew of job offers from well-known companies in 1999 when she was coming out of Stanford University with a Masters in Computer Science. She chose Google, then a brand new startup, because, she says, "I wanted to work for smart people, and I wanted to do things I wasnt ready to do."

勇于冒险:1999年,谷歌公司(Google)现任副总裁玛丽莎梅耶尔从斯坦福大学(Stanford University)毕业,获得了计算机专业硕士学位。当时,有多家知名公司向她伸出了橄榄枝,但她却选择了成立不久的初创公司谷歌。对此,她的解释是因为“我希望能为聪明人打工,而且我希望能够接受从未经历过的挑战。”



20 Thoughts That Will Lead You To Great Success

It’s never too late to get started on a successful life, and I’ve listed 20 thoughts that will help you achieve great success today. Take a moment and internalize these thoughts, and you’ll be on your way to a better tomorrow.

1. Our Actions Are a Testament to Our Thoughts.

Dale Carnegie once stated, “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” If you work hard, it’s unlikely that you have an air of entitlement, or expect great success without effort. Visualize a healthy path to success and follow through with actions that align with your vision.

2. Doing What You Like Matters.

Doing what you like will help you find purpose and fulfillment in your life. While many people refer to pre-established models of success defined by their peers, superiors, or even families, it’s more important to evaluate what YOUR model of success looks like. In most cases, discovering what “make you tick” is more important than being miserable doing something that society defines as success.

3. Focus is Critical To Great Success.

In a world of advertisements, promising opportunities, and addicting apps, distraction is only a click away. Unplugging and re-connecting with your goals is critical to achieving better results. Spending a few minutes every morning visualizing your goal and establishing an actionable direction for achievement will make avoiding distractions much easier. In the words of Zig Ziglar, “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” Focus.

4. Opportunity Success Looks A Lot Like Hard Work.

Being in the right place at the right time isn’t always a coincidence; the harder you work, the more likely it will be that you’ll end up in “the right place.” While this statement seems as unprovable as the idea of karma, there must be a reason that the world’s most successful individuals say it, right? Seneca once wrote, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Hemingway said, “It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.” Even recently, actor Ashton Kutcher said, “Opportunity Looks A Lot Like Hard Work.”

5. “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.”

John Maxwell, author of countless NYT bestsellers, recently wrote a book called Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. His book explains that the most successful people in the world are excellent communicators: people who not only communicate their message, but create a connection. The secret to connection, Maxwell suggests, is authentic interest in others, simplifying the message, inspiring people, and living what you communicate. The book is a roadmap for successful relationships, and I’d highly suggest it.

6. There Will Always Be Bad Days. Overcome Them.

Even the most successful people have bad days, but ONLY successful people bounce back. If your day is headed into a tailspin, remove yourself from the situation, ground yourself, and calmly determine what you have power over in order to turn things around. Grounding yourself is not only shown to have positive health benefits; it gives you an opportunity to contextualize your struggles, which allows you to move forward and overcome even the worst of days.

7. Imitating The Great Can Yield Great Results If Done Thoughtfully.

Copycatting isn’t the only form of imitation. If you carefully observe successful people, you can glean valuable information and build on it. Spend a week observing people that you admire. Imitate those who are successful by bettering their processes where neccesary, and building off the strong points in their success. Do not copy, but observe and grow your own solution through thoughtful and purposeful decisions that build off the greats that came before you.

8. If Perception Is Reality, How Do Others Perceive Your Personal Brand?

You may not be successful by your measure, but do you carry yourself with confidence? Do you give off a positive vibe and the aura of success? Recognize the things that could be hurting your personal brand. If perception is reality, and people perceive you to be negative and unsuccessful — well, you get where I’m going.

9. Helping Others Succeed Will Yield Great Success In You Own Life.

Veronica Roth, author of Divergent, once said that there is power in self-sacrifice. In my own life, I’ve seen nothing but positive things from giving to others, connecting those in need, sharing information, and helping people who are willing to be helped. In my limited experience, nothing bad comes from helping people in need and sometimes your goodwill can even come full circle!

10. Success Comes In Different Sized Portions.

This thought about great success is important because it is entirely about self-awareness. Challenge yourself to be self-aware and recognize even the smallest of successes in your daily life. Great success is a habit made up of smaller successes in life.

11. If You Don’t Love Yourself, You Won’t Succeed.

Do not let fear or self-doubt hold you back. There is no “too late,” and you can do it. Marianne Williamson said it best:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

12. You Don’t Work For Money.

See thought #2. You work for many reasons, and while money may be ONE of these reasons, it’s not everything. Find purpose in your job beyond monetary concerns, and you’ll find more success than if all you do is focus on money.

13. Listen.

Sometimes we miss opportunities for success because we do not listen. Challenge yourself to listen more than you speak.

I once asked the Director of what she thought made her Twitter handle so popular; for someone who isn’t famous, her following is impressive. Here’s the conversation:

@BigRyanPark To always try and respond, and to listen more than you talk. That’s good advice for life, actually. Not just Twitter.

— Ann Handley (@MarketingProfs) November 12, 2013

14. Build On The Fact That You Have Enough.

Let’s connect the dots. Learning the art of contentment can lead to lower stress levels; lower stress levels leads to higher brain functionality; it is more likely that you are successful when you are thinking straight. If you build on the fact that you have enough and learn the art of contentment, you will go places (and people will follow).

15. Success Is A Continuous Journey.

Arthur Ash once said, “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” Great success come naturally if you view your life as a grand adventure: an experience filled with successes and failures. While it’s important to focus on your goals, take a moment to appreciate the daily struggle because it’s all part of a continuous journey. If you adapt, better yourself, and recognize that success is a journey, you’ll be fine.

16. Reading IS Power Success.

In his book I Can Read With My Eyes Shut, Dr. Seuss wrote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Many people say that they “don’t have time to read”, but we make time for what is important to us. Wake up 30 minutes early and read, for knowledge truly is power.

17. If You Can’t Afford It, Don’t Buy It.

One of the surefire ways to put yourself in a bad position to achieve success is to accumulate massive debts. Understand that in a capitalist society everything around you was made to make you buy more. Simply put: if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Not sure what “can’t afford it” and “savings” looks like? Read this article by Lifehack; it’s a keeper.

18. We Are Creatures Of Habit. Reward Yourself For Good Habits, and Examine Your Bad Habits.

Personal growth and success can be a mental game. Positive reinforcement for even the smallest success is neccesary. On the other hand, be present and examine your bad habits; illuminate them for what they are. Nothing can impede success more than bad habits left unameliorated. “You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself.” -Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras

19. Setting Realistic Goals Is Important.

Simplifying your goals to keep them realistic is an important step to achieving them. Ask yourself, “Is this something that I can commit to?” Do not second-guess your abilities, but be mindful of your capabilities and set yourself up for success. Inevitably, failure happens, but if you set realistic goals you will succeed. As you develop a habit of success, grow your goals and challenge yourself.

20. If All Else Fails, Surround Yourself With Successful People.

Success takes time. Spend that time pursuing your goals and surrounding yourself with people that are already successful; don’t worry, you have something valuable to offer successful people that they want: time, energy, and a positive spirit. If you come to the table with positive energy and a willingness to make yourself valuable, successful people are usually willing to share their knowledge and connect you with the right people. This is invaluable. Leave your ego at home, surround yourself with successful people, and allow yourself to learn from others.



1. Its freaking cold today!


2. Its a bit nippy today - you might need a coat.


3. It was so cold that I was shivering.


4. You must be chilly without a coat on.


5. We are having a cold snap.


6. The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces.


7. Im so cold. Look, Ive got goosebumps all over me!



仅次与背单词的任务,就是看OG了。主要是看OG上解释说明的部分,尤其是对于各个单项的介绍。通过看OG了解TOEFL考试的概况。利用里面ETS 提供的较为丰富的作文样本、口语录音样本,配合主观题的评分标准,自己研究具体评分细则,从样本里找出扣分的原因。这种分析能对主观题的解答能奠定良好的基础。




















Ladies first.


Age before beauty.


After you.

You first.



Excuse me. = Pardon me.


Coming through.


Could I get by, please?


Watch your feet!



May I have a word with you?


You got a minute?


Can we talk?


Lets talk.




Wait a moment.

Wait one minute.

Just a second.



Im sorry.

Sorry to be a bother.


Sorry for the inconvenience.


如果有人对你说“Sorry to be such a pest”,你猜ta是什么意思呢?

Sorry to be such a pest = 抱歉打扰了、抱歉又是我。

比如你写了3封邮件给某人,对方一直没有回复,你第4次再写邮件过去的时候就可以补一句“Sorry to be such a pest, but I need that report.”(不好意思又是我,但我真的急需那份报告。)下回用用看!


The Delicate Protocol Of Hugging

Im not a hugger. When I see a registered personal-space invader coming my way at a party, the music from Jaws plays in my head. And there are lots of people like me -- reasonably comfortable in social situations, no particular phobias, just a bit reserved in expressions of physical intimacy.

For us fans of personal space, these are difficult times. America has become a hugging culture. Whats an Academy Award without a gauntlet of hugs from seat to stage? Any sports win will ignite an orgy of whooping, full-body man hugs. Political empathy in tragedy is measured in hugs.

We remain a medium touch culture -- more physically demonstrative than Japan, where a bow is the all-purpose hello and goodbye, but less demonstrative than Latin or Eastern European cultures, where hugs are robust and can include a kiss on both cheeks. But we do seem to be hugging more.

For men, this is newly slippery terrain. Handshakes are scripted and reliable -- a firm grip, a couple of brisk pumps, and done. There is evidence of hand-shaking as far back as the fifth century B.C. It may have started as a gesture of peace by proving that the hand held no weapon.

With hugging now in play, men must do rapid social calculations: body language, length and nature of the relationship, setting, alcohol effect and the others intentions. Decisions must be made in split seconds.

Male friends tell me that they adhere to the one-second rule (one-Mississippi and . . . break). They also favor the A-frame hug -- shoulders touching, handshake high, a couple of quick taps on the back. There is no such middle ground for women. Its either shake or hug.

Bill Clinton has perfected the hug that is not a hug: a handshake complemented by also holding the others upper arm. Advantage -- more intense than a handshake but short of an embrace, and it can be maintained indefinitely. It can also easily progress to a full hug as the conversation dictates.

When we expand our exploration to the man-woman hug, things get dicey. Especially at work.

Science says that hugs are healthy: They release endorphins, strengthen the immune system, boost self-esteem and promote bonding. But they can also put a warning in your personnel file.

There are many valid reasons to hug in an office setting -- anything from a big team win to goodbyes after downsizing. But one senior executive I know shared some universal career advice: Dont yell, dont cry, dont hug. His advice is backed by surveys that say that most people dont want intimacy with other workers.

As the question of whether or not to hug becomes more situational, the potential rises for awkward encounters. The biggest risk: going in for a hug only to realize too late that the other person had not planned the same. Expert consensus says that if youre going for the hug and its too late to turn back, dont stop. Press on, but make it quick.

For nonhuggers, there are some defensive maneuvers. Deflect: Keep something (a desk, a table, a co-worker) between you and the serial hugger until the moment passes. Deny: Sorry, Im not much of a hugger. Resist: Take physical control with a stiff handshake and firm elbow that keeps personal space intact. Escape: Find something that requires your immediate attention. If nothing comes to mind, drop your cellphone. Lie: I really dont want you to catch this cold I have. Or when diversion isnt feasible and escape is impossible, accept the hug with an icy response and hope that the hugger remembers.

Workplace hugging is particularly problematic when your workplace happens to be a school. Teachers have been told never to hug any child for any reason -- even though a hug is precisely what a child might need.

Many schools have also added a written policy against hugging between students, with suspensions finding their way into national news. Students and some parents are irate at bans on a simple act of affection. But feel for the school administrator, responsible for determining when a simple act of affection becomes a more complex situation.

There is always the question: Are we overthinking this? Maybe weve complicated a simple act to the point that risk has overtaken reward, and its just not worth the effort. Some would say its a lamentable loss of human connection. As someone who believes that we call it personal space for a reason, Im OK with that.

Dr. Drexler is an assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College and the author, most recently, of Our Fathers, Ourselves: Daughters, Fathers and the Changing American Family.


对我们这些喜欢保持一定距离的人来说,这种时候就比较难熬。美国已经成为了一个崇尚拥抱文化的国家。没有从座位到舞台的一连串拥抱能叫奥斯卡颁奖礼(Academy Award)吗?任何体育项目的获胜都会引起一阵狂欢式的全身拥抱。悲剧事件中政治同理心是通过拥抱来衡量的。





比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)完善了一种不算拥抱的拥抱方式:握手的同时抓住对方的上臂。好处是——比单纯的握手更热情但又不算拥抱,而且姿势可以保持很长时间。随着谈话的进展还可以很容易发展成全身拥抱。








