
來源:果殼範文吧 2.67W



My pet

場景(一):Book1 Unit3

Pay attention to rest, Friendly reminder: the busy work. Attention to China, concerned about the social, concern the earth, a useful talent to do the motherland, the return of society is our obligation to the young generation of IT

(旁白):今天是星期天,Amy和他的小夥伴約好帶着自己的小動物到公園裏去玩。看,大清早,Amy就帶着他的小貓出發了,他高興的走在前面,一邊唱一邊跳《Good morning》,小貓跟在後面。走着走着,突然發現小貓不見了,Amy非常着急

Amy:Where is my cat?



Cat:Meow,meow,here I am.

(旁白):小貓的聲音好像是從車子那邊傳來的,Amy趕緊跑過去,發現小貓躲在車後面了。找到小貓真開心呀,於是他們就一起跳起舞來《The cat song》。

場景(二):Book1 Unit4

Pham Van is the template for writing, such as: assessment, personal summary, speeches, presentations, resume template, party applications, and so on. Writing for the secretary is often a reference to the preparation of presentation materials can also be used as a reference before.


Betty:Come here,my dog!



Dog:Thank you!


Cindy:Come here,my duck.


Duck:Thank you!


音樂響起,他們一邊唱一邊跳《Sing a song》。

場景(三):Book1 Unit7、9

Van Pham Van of Chinese Literature Mining is committed to excellence! Pham Van is the template for writing, such as: assessment, personal summary, test bank, thank papers, speeches, party applications, etc.


Van Pham Van of Chinese Literature Mining is committed to excellence and interpreting a variety of excellent Pham Van

Amy:It’s so hot today!Let’s have some ice-cream!

Betty、Cindy:Good idea!

Van Pham Van of Chinese Literature Mining is committed to excellence and interpreting a variety of excellent Pham Van


Betty:I like ice-cream please.

Cindy:I like jelly.A jelly please.

Amy:I like juice.A bottle of orange juice please.


店員姐姐:Here you are.

Amy、Betty、Cindy:Thank you.

“範文”在漢英詞典中的解釋為a model essay


(旁白):時間過的真快,一轉眼就到了吃午飯的時間,於是他們帶着可愛的小動物們回家去了。他們一起邊唱邊跳《Goodbye teacher》歌詞:Goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher so long;see you again,see you again,see you again,,two,three,(跳起來)Yeah!



Happy new year

場景(一):Book 2 Uint1

“範文”在漢英詞典中的解釋為a model essay


Andy, Amy:Happy new year,grandma.


Grandma:This is for you.


Fan Chinese literature to provide the best day for everyone the latest Pham Van

Andy, Amy:Thank you,grandma.


Andy, Amy:Happy new year,grandpa.

Van Pham Van of Chinese Literature Mining is committed to excellence! Pham Van is the template for writing, such as: assessment, personal summary, test bank, thank papers, speeches, party applications, etc.


Grandpa:This is for you.


Andy,Amy:Thank you,grandpa.

(旁白):接着Andy,Amy帶爺爺奶奶一起玩遊戲(My Body:Eye,eye,shua shua shua; Nose,nose,en en en; Ear,ear,a a a; Hand,hand,pa pa pa; Mouth,mouth,mu~mu~),大家玩得都非常開心,音樂響起,他們一邊唱一邊跳《Happy new year》 〖1〗〖2〗〖3〗 六一兒童節英文劇本 相關文章:六一兒童節送什麼給孩子好六一兒童節怎麼過才有意義“六一節”促銷策劃書歡樂慶六一——超市策劃方案如何做六一兒童節促銷傢俱店六一兒童節促銷方案六一兒童節促銷廣告詞藥店六一兒童節促銷廣告語查看更多>> 六一兒童節中國範文學致力於優秀範文挖掘研究,解讀各種優秀範文
