
來源:果殼範文吧 2.3W



Hello,or This is Reception.您好,Konnor先生嗎?這裡是前臺接待處。

A taxi will be waiting to take you to the airport at 6:00 tomorrow morning.出租車將在明天早上6:00等著接您去機場。

how much will it be太好了,大約多少錢?

To the airport it should be about 60 yuan.去機場大約60元。

I’d like to check out.我想結賬離店。

Have you settled bill您結賬了嗎?

No.I’d like to do that now.還沒有,我想現在結賬。

You can settle your bill at the Finance Department on the fourth floor.您可以在四樓的財務部結賬。

Okay.I’ve paid my bill.好了,我已經結完帳了。

Hello.I’ve come to pay my bill.您好,我來結賬。

a moment me get our copy。好的。請稍等,我拿一下我們的賬單。

will that be cash or charge請問是付現金還是記賬?

Charge.I’ll put it on my American Express.記賬。請計入我的運通卡。

May I take your order now, sir先生,現在可以幫您點菜了嗎?

Yes, please. I’d like to start with the chicken soup.可以了。我想先來一份雞湯。

What would you like for your main course主菜您想點什麼?

Filet mignon, please.菲力牛排

How would you like that done您要幾分熟?

Medium rare. 四分熟的。


My name is Mike and I m in Room i have my key, please? 我叫邁克我在668室,能給我我房間的`鑰匙嗎?

Excuse me,sir,but may i see your Room Identification se? 對不起,先生,但我可以先確認一下你的房間,好嗎?

it is. 好的,這裡

Thank you,d you sign here for receipt of your key,please? 謝謝你,先生。為了你的鑰匙,你能在這籤個名嗎?

Uh-huh. 恩

Thank key,sir,and there is some registered mail for d you sign for that,too? 謝謝你,你的鑰匙,先生,這有你一些掛號郵件,請問你也能簽名嗎?

Yes,of course. 是的,當然

Thank you, a good night. 謝謝先生,祝你睡個好覺。
